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Monday, May 09, 2005
Been fiddling around with torrent files the last
couple of nights. Ran into NAT problems and fixed
them finally tonight. Had to go into the router
config and forward port 6881 calls to the box I'm
using Azureus on, using both TCP and UDP. Enabled
UPnP in Azureus. Had to allow the program access
in the machines firewall config, and fiddle with
the max u/l number and kb's. It's working ok now.
Got interested in it, since a lot of distros out
there aren't in iso format. You can ftp the whole
directory of all the files and create your own iso,
but in some cases, you're not going to get all the
other cd's you might need, like with packages and
ports. Or, you can get the .torrent files and d/l
everything, no sweat, into iso's. Debian's a good
case in point, the one I'm getting right now.