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Tuesday, November 04, 2003
Installed portscanner and nmap. Had a bad time with
nmap until I read up on Makefiles, Ports, Flavors, and
a few other things I can't remember right now. I'm not
using any GUI on OpenBSD on my laptop, mostly due
to drive size constraints. I still have an old windoze
printout of all the port & interrupts for the old laptop,
so setting up X wouldn't be much of a chore. Anyway,
I learned how to build nmap without X support like:
cd /usr/ports/nmap
$ env FLAVOR="no_x11" make package
$ env FLAVOR="no_x11" make install
$ env FLAVOR="no_x11" make clean
After that, as usual after installing programs, which
naturally adds files, I ran /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb
to update the locate database, did a rehash, and was
ready to use nmap (portscanner later also after that
Downloaded the latest virus data signature files for
f-prot and installed them. Now I have to learn how to
add a Perl CPAN module, HTTP::REQUEST so I can use
the /usr/local/f-prot/tools/ script. If I
can get that done, I won't have to go to f-prot's web
site any longer to update. I can run something like the
sample script as a cron job:
If you want to run this script in a cron-job, then you
should put a cron entry into your crontab similar to
the following example. Here is an example of a crontab
entry which runs the script twice a day:
04:27 and 16:27:
27 4,16 * * * /usr/local/f-prot/tools/ -cron
(consult your crontab manual page, this format may
differ between versions)